Nicko Goncharoff joins Signals as Co-Founder

I suppose almost every post in which someone starts a new role mentions how “excited” they are. So I’ve tried to think of a different adjective to describe my feelings about this next step in my career. But really there is no better word. So, with that said, I’m very excited to announce that I’ve joined Signals as Co-Founder & Commercial Lead.

We are a tightly-knit, highly collaborative team at Signals, aligned in our mission of restoring trust in research. As Commercial Lead I am accountable for business development, customer relations and sales strategy. I also – as we all do on the team – contribute to our efforts in overall strategy, partnerships, marketing and thought leadership, product development and investor relations.

I started working with the Signals team in June, and was immediately impressed by everyone’s dedication, expertise and enthusiasm. It’s also been gratifying to work with publishers on addressing their concerns and challenges around research integrity, and to see how we can make a difference by understanding the signals around any submitted manuscript or published article. Signals can help not just publishers, but also researchers, institutions, funders and other research organisations. Being part of that journey is, at the risk of repeating myself, an exciting prospect.