For publishers who want to safeguard their journals’ integrity, Signals provides Integrity Intelligence, a data-driven cycle of understanding, solution, and monitoring. Unlike research integrity tools, Signals ensures research integrity is continuously improved and upheld.

Understand research integrity risks and opportunities with data-driven reports and comprehensive consulting projects
Reports — understand the RI profile of your journals to evaluate risks and make informed decisions
- Understand overall RI profile at journal, imprint and portfolio level
- Identify which types of RI issues have happened and which are on the horizon
- Uncover patterns of problematic articles across journals, times, authors, institutions etc
Consulting — gain visibility of RI across publishing operations and receive support on the steps to implementing RI strategy
- Workshops on best practices and implementation
- Develop or optimise RI workflows, challenges & opportunities
- Understand which levels of the organisation require visibility of RI
- Align RI policies with technology and workflow

Solve research integrity issues with the right solution, including journal submission evaluations
Evaluations of journal submissions to protect the reputation of journals
- Automated evaluations that support rapid decision making on articles
- Track the integrity of the manuscript from submission to publication with checks across the publishing workflow
- Configure and run your own submission checks, for a bespoke research integrity workflow
- Integrate other 3-party checks
- Incorporate in-house policies
- Share notes or escalate submissions to streamline your workflow
Monitor research integrity performance to learn more and ensure high-quality publishing
Publisher dashboard provides dynamic and transparent evaluations for all published output
- Alerts for changes in articles are they are cited and engaged with
- Journal to portfolio level analytics to understand trends and changes
- Acquire crucial RI data to support decision making
- Gain visibility at any level of the organisation to track RI issue resolution, performance, and policy